Thank You For Considering A Gift

Help to Make a Miracle! Nearly 100% of donations go directly toward helping people living with Aniridia syndrome. There are many ways in which you can make a big difference in the lives of those who live with these daily struggles and make their future look brighter.

Your generous gifts help:

Fund important educational conferences for supporters, physicians and researcher

Advance critical research and

Help with crucial support for those affected.

Gifts to Aniridia Foundation International are tax-deductible.

Girl smiling in a "Make a Difference" shirt

Thank you for your interest in helping us advance the Aniridia syndrome mission, funding crucial research, and helping those affected. There are many ways in which you can make a big difference in the lives of those who live with these daily struggles and make their future look brighter.

Below are ways to give your tax-deductible gifts, and earn funds for the AFI by doing things you already do like to shop on Amazon via Amazon Smile or help spread awareness while raising funds for AFI through our Crowdfunding page or doing a fundraiser with the help of AFI.

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, monetary gifts and in-kind donations to the Aniridia Foundation International (AFI) are tax-deductible.

Ways to help those affected, advance our mission, and make a difference:

  • Monetary Donation Options
  • Corporate Matching Gifts or United Way
  • Fundraising for Aniridia Foundation and Tribute Accounts
  • Host an Event Fundraiser
  • Corporate, Company or Organization Events
  • Crowdfunding, Facebook, and Amazon Smile
  • Larger Gifts of Love (Stocks, Will Bequests, etc)
  • In Kind or Service Donations

Contact us for more information on these giving opportunities.

You Can Help Make a Difference Now!

Monetary Donations

Donations: You can donate by mail or online. Donations may be made in HONOR or in MEMORY of your loved one or friend – please designate this with your donation. By Mail: Please make check or money order payable to: Aniridia Foundation International (AFI), PO Box 41, Manitowish Waters, WI 54545. Online: You can choose to donate with a credit card or use bank debit using our secure portal.

Automatic Bank Withdrawal: Most banks and financial institutions have an auto-matic monthly payment program– all you have to do is set up your monthly payment amount and they do the work. Some banks send monthly checks, and some prefer an ACH / EFT transfer. AFI is happy to work with your bank to help set this up.

Corporate Matching: Double Your Gift with Corporate Matching. Does your company offer a matching gift program? Ask your employer about their policy and if they may match your gift to the AFI. Corporate matching allows your generous gift to be matched at various percentages to help increase the impact of your donation to the AFI, your family member with Aniridia syndrome, and to support on-going research as a tax-deductible gift.

United Way Program Donations: Pledging a donation through your workplace United Way program is an easy way to donate to the Aniridia Foundation International a little at a time. If we are not listed in your choices, you can do a “write in.” For write-in designations, please use USA Aniridia Network dba Aniridia Foundation International. Then call and let us know so we can notify you when we have confirmation. Note: Each United Way program deducts a percentage of your pledged amount (sometimes up to 18%) as fees for their services. Make sure you understand their policies and pay out periods.

Golf fundraising event

Breakfast fundraising event
The Knights of Columbus Breakfast for AFI
A Night at the Oscars Fundraiser
A Night at the Oscars Fundraiser

Fundraising: Whether you are a supporter helping us towards better treatments and a cure or a family member or friend of someone with Aniridia syndrome, you CAN help make a difference – every little bit helps, and everyone has a talent for something. Plus, those committing to an annual fundraising event (or being a monthly donor) can have a tribute account in their loved one’s honor or memory set up.

Host a Fundraising Event: Contact us to host your own fundraising event with 100% of the proceeds going to AFI. We help with promotions, giveaways and more. (Any event raising funds for the AFI, using our trademarked name or logo, must be approved by the AFI due to legal regulations and IRS rules). Call our office for an event application and more details on how we can help you have a successful event to raise funds for the AFI and help us spread awareness.

Applications to host an event must be received at least 9 months before the event. Approval notifications for your event and use of our name/logo will be given within 14 days of submission so planning may begin. Be aware many sponsors require several months for funding approval so plan accordingly.

We understand some people are uncomfortable with asking for money. However we hear from family and friends that they are looking for a way to help.

Themed annual fundraising events are great ways to have fun while raising dollars for the Aniridia Foundation International (AFI). We are grateful to friends who take it upon themselves to be creative and come up with new ways to raise funds to support our mission. Please notify our office if you wish to host an event. We can provide information brochures, giveaway items, supporters in your area, and more.”

More ideas for AFI events:

  • Walk for Sight event
  • “Strike Out Aniridia Syndrome” bowling event
  • Pancake breakfast
  • Neighborhood or church rummage sale

Corporate, Company or Organization Fundraisers: Many companies and organizations have philanthropic hearts and like to support their employees or members in helping with great missions like ours. If your company or organization would like to hold a workplace fundraiser, or an actual fundraising event to benefit Aniridia Foundation International (AFI), we would like to hear from you. We are here to help your fundraiser in any way we can.

We have a column called Supporter Spotlight in our Eye on Aniridia news edition where we highlight fundraisers and creative events. We encourage fundraisers to take pictures of their events and submit a short summary of activities so their success can be shared. Sharing helps others get ideas for their own fundraiser or event.

(Please note: Any event raising funds for the AFI, using our name or logo, must be approved by the AFI due to legal regulations and IRS rules. Call our office for an event application and to get details on how we can help you have a successful event, raise funds for the AFI, and help us spread awareness.)

Sponsors from 2019 AFI Conference
Sponsors from 2019 conference in Cincinnati
I always felt helpless watching my loved ones with Aniridia syndrome go through so many challenges. I wanted to do something, yet did not know how I could help. Then I was asked to donate monthly to the AFI mission to help them. I do not feel helpless anymore – I feel like I am part of a team making a difference in their lives and this gives me great hope.
– KG

Other ways to support AFI

Don’t have the time or resources to set up a local fundraising event? Here are three ways you can be a part of advancing our mission and helping those you love.

Crowdfunding Page: Use our template fundraising page where you can personalize your page with your pictures and story to help us spread awareness while raising donations for the AFI. Personalize your page with a message about why the AFI is important to you, a little about your loved one with Aniridia syndrome, and ask your friends, family and business contacts, via a link to your page, to support you by donating to the AFI. It’s easy fundraising choice because you can do it annually simply by updating the page. If you would like help setting your page up, we are here to guide you. Here is a sample page at right.

Some examples of annual campaigns using our Crowdfunding page:

  • An annual electronic “Letters of Love” Campaign – An update letter about you or your child with Aniridia Syndrome with an “ask” for donations to help support the AFI mission or research. While some have done this via mailed letters – this is an easier, shareable version.
  • Birthday request in lieu of gifts
  • A memorial donation in lieu of flowers or as an annual memorial of their passing.
  • Hosting an Event or Fundraiser – we can set up an event page to sell admission tickets or dinner / party reservations, and “not able to attend” donations. Then just share the link/ page with your contacts. All results will be tagged to your fundraising efforts.
  • Have other ideas? Share them with us to help inspire others to get involved. Everyone has talents, skills or things they enjoy. Share yours for a good cause.

Facebook Fundraiser: Anyone can create a Facebook fundraiser to spread awareness and raise funds for the AFI. We love all of our Facebook fundraising supporters and regret that we cannot thank them personally. This is because the funds go through Facebook to Network for the Good and then to us with donation amounts listed as “anonymous.” Many times, we’re never told who set up the fundraiser.

If you wish to be acknowledged for your online fundraiser, or have your donors receive a tax deduction and thank you letter or Email, please consider using one of our Crowdfunding pages to personalize your fundraiser so we may thank you and your donors.


Raise Funds with Your Everyday Spending Using Goodshop: Imagine raising money through your normal online purchases for groceries, sending flowers, and purchasing clothing and gift items. Goodshop donates a percentage of your purchase back to the AFI. Visit and select your cause as Aniridia Foundation International.

Online Auctions

Online Auctions via Charity Buzz: We have put unique experiences, hotel stays, Wheel of Fortune packages on Charity Buzz, an online auction site, to raise funds. We are seeking more items or unique experience packages.

All in kind donations are very much appreciated, and since AFI is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, all donations are tax deductible. Please contact us to discuss any in kind donations.

Sample of Crowdfunding Webpage

Planned Giving Options: Contact us if you are interested in making a significant gift. Our Wealth Management Advisors are available to help. Planned giving opportunities include:

  • Stocks and Securities
  • Stock transfers to the Aniridia Foundation International can be made quickly and easily and may offer you substantial tax savings.
  • Make a Gift Donation Through Your Estate - Learn more about supporting the AFI through an estate.
  • Bequests - Remembering the AFI as a beneficiary in your Will or Trust in the form of cash or property. Please notify us with a copy of your wishes so we may have record of the bequest.
  • Beneficiary Designations - Naming the Aniridia Foundation International as a primary or secondary beneficiary of an insurance policy or retirement plan.
  • Charitable Gift Annuities – An annuity account that provides you with the necessary income for your expenses as long as you need it. The remaining principal can be donated to benefit the Aniridia Foundation International as you dictate.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts - In the right circumstances, this plan can increase your income, reduce your taxes, unlock appreciated investments, rid you of investment worries and ultimately provide very important support for the Aniridia Foundation International.
  • Gifts for setting up or adding to an AFI endowment - Endowments assist the AFI in sustainable growth using the interest of the endowment’s principal. This is the gift that keeps on giving.
  • In Kind 0r Service Donations - Aniridia Foundation International (AFI) hosts unique conferences. Our “Make a Miracle” conferences bring together researchers, physicians, those born with Aniridia Syndrome and their families for education, medical and scientific presentations, family networking for crucial support, research data collection via a clinic and social / fundraising events such as our Make a Miracle Gala and Auction. We welcome donated items or services for our Make a Miracle Auction and any company items for the family welcome packages.

Grandma with Grandchild

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.
– Pablo Picasso


Become a volunteer with AFI and help us Make a Miracle! There are many opportunities to use your time and talents from anywhere.

AFI offers several volunteer opportunities for both our registered supporters and their family members or friends who wish to get involved. Some can be done locally, however, many can be performed anywhere. Volunteers who are interested in helping to make a miracle for those affected by Aniridia syndrome are invited to complete our Volunteer Application.

Areas volunteers are needed:

  • Conference Planning Committee
  • Fundraising Committee
  • Communication Media Committee (News Editions, Social Media, PR & Website)
  • Education & Social Support Committee

If you feel that you do not have the time or the ability to commit to being an active volunteer, there are other ways you can help make a difference:

  • If you are not already a monthly donor, please consider becoming one – small amounts from many build to large amounts. Any amount helps our mission. You can donate online with a credit card or set up debit from your bank account via our secure payment portal, or via your bank’s free bill pay program.

AFI Board of Directors: Would you like to play a more significant role in the AFI? After two years of dedicated volunteering, you may be eligible to hold a term seat on the AFI Board of Directors! This opportunity is a great privilege and will be extended to those who display dedication, etiquette and successful volunteer work.

AFI volunteer receiving award

“The heart of a volunteer is not mea-sured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.” – Deann Hollis